TVEA Advocate 2015-2016
We are proud to share that TVEA has won Communications Awards for the Newsletters we produce. TVEA will continue to produce award worthy but more importantly relevant and timely communique's to our membership. We hope you enjoy reading our TVEA Advocate.

May/June Advocate
The TVEA Year in Review: TVEA Actions and Events Month by Month
Spring Survey Results and Analysis: Member Awareness and Elementary Professional Learning Communities
Update on the United States Supreme Court Ruling regarding the Friedrichs v. CTA case
End of the Year Recognitions including TVEA Recognitions, TVUSD District Teachers of the Year, and Crystal Apple Award Winners

March/April Advocate
Bucket Blitz
Site Visit Blitz Member Feedback
I AM TVEA Campaign and Update on
Friedrichs V.CTA Supreme Court Case
Executive Board spring workshop and elections
Update from your Insurance Advisory Committee (IAC)
TVEA holds LCAP Roundtable and conducts LCAP member survey

January/February Advocate
Ratification of Tentative Agreement completes Negotiations
President’s Message Editorial: TVUSD Push to Move to By-Trustee Districts is Ill Timed
Recap of the ratified December 3rd Tentative Agreement to complete 2015-16 Negotiations
Modifications in structure of 2015-16 Principal’s Survey for members to complete in April
Contract Awareness: Article 9.4 Longevity

November/December Advocate
Building Capacity
November TVEA Organizing Plan to support the TVEA Bargaining Team in Negotiations
How TVEA has “Advocated on Your Behalf” including an update on the the status of contractual grievances
Presidents Message: “TVEA Member Engagement is an Ongoing Essential”
TVEA Committee Updates and Report from the first 15-16 Superintendent’s Council
TVEA Recognized Principals from the end of the 2014-15 year Principal Survey
Shout Outs to various members featuring Vice-President Edgar Diaz being honored with the “Foot Solider” Award by the Riverside Chapter of the NAACP

September/October Advocate
New Contract Yields Smooth Start
New Contract ( July 1 2015-June 30 2017) Highlights
TVEA Influences the 2015-16 TVUSD Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Your 2015-16 Elected Executive Board
TK-3 Class Size and the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)
Get Your Master’s Degree- Now!
TVEA End of Year 2014-2015 Recognitions