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Meet your Executive Board

TVEA's Executive Board (EB) is composed of four officers, seven Area Representatives elected At-Large to represent the needs of: elementary school, middle school, high school, and special education, student support services and our membership coordinator. 


The responsibilities of the EB is to coordinate the activities of the Association. They act for the Leadership Council when school is not in session. 

The EB directs the bargaining activities and grievance processing of the Association, subject to policies set by the Leadership Council.  They are to approve appointment and removal of bargaining team members by a two-thirds majority vote. 
 The EB adopts the Grievance Procedure and directs the grievance activities of the Association.

The EB recommends a budget for the Association to the Leadership Council.  They approve by majority vote all appointment and removal of committee members, including chairpersons.   The EB adopts the Standing Rules for the Association. The EB exercises all the business and organizational powers and duties for the Association as prescribed by law and the Association bylaws, subject to any restrictions imposed by the Leadership Council. 

Bargaining Committee Liaison
Edgar Diaz


¡Saludos! to all of my colleagues. 

I am now in 26+ years in education. I am not quite sure how it has passed so quickly.  I grew up in an unincorporated area between Whittier and Pico Rivera, a community outside of Los Angeles.  I had the opportunity to work at SummerBridge based out of UC San Diego for many summers working with struggling students from Barrio Logan at the Bishops School in La Jolla for three summers, this experience taught me the impact I had with students in helping them reach their goals. I graduated from U.C. Berkeley with a major in History, and minor in education intent in teaching at the high school level in a disadvantaged area. 

As it turned out, I was hired for a 5th grade teaching assignment in Fremont, California at the dawn of class size reduction.  For many who were not around, that was a 20:1 ration in K-3rd grades and lower sizes in 9th grade English.  Imagine that! Getting this job offer in January of senior year was an offer I could not pass up. Growing up in an underserved community, I knew that I wanted to work with underachieving students and connect with the community around them, but I didn’t realize I would enjoy accomplishing this with children at this age level. 

In 2004, my wife and I made the heartbreaking decision to leave the Bay Area and the dual language immersion program we taught in and move closer to family.  For 7 years I enjoyed working with the dedicated staff and motivated students of Vail Elementary. The next 10 years I had a blast exploring topics in U.S. History with 8th grade students at Gardner Middle.  

Although time consuming, I take pride in giving back to the profession I love through my work with TVEA. In my first few years teaching, it was veterans who coached me on voicing what I believe is best for students and learning and how to organize around matters of consequence; working conditions that are conducive to learning, a positive working environment the allows you to grow, compensation that attracts talented educators and helps support their family goals, and allowing colleagues to focus on what matters… teaching.  

After 26 years in the classroom, I am now proud to serve as President for TVEA.  I am committed to building our union strength, where we have firm union support at each site.  Where we can engage in problem solving to advocate to improve learning and working conditions. It takes time and effort.  For many years, my four children followed me to meetings and sites before heading to soccer or some other activity.  The investment was in our students and in us, TVEA.   

In solidarity, Edgar

Jamie Vaughn
Organizing Committee Liaison

Hello, my name is Jamie Vaughn, and it is an honor to serve as TVEA's Secretary! I attended California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo for my BS and elementary teaching credential. I've been a teacher for 26 years, and this is my 22nd year in TVUSD. I taught for 17 years at Alamos Elementary School. Currently, I teach 3rd grade at Home Instead Innovation Academy. 


During my free time, I enjoy traveling and camping with my family.  We have a 19 year old son who graduated from CHS in 2023, and now attends UCSB. He attended TVUSD from Kindergarten to 12th grade, and we're so grateful for all of the amazing TVUSD educators that have helped support our son's academic success. 


I was previously a site rep at AES for over 5 years. I then served as an Elementary Area Representative for 3 years. I look forward to the opportunity to serve as a TVEA officer and your secretary! 

Elementary Area Rep
Shannon Hughes


Elementary Area Rep Squads
Insurance Advisory Committee Liaison

My name is Shannon Hughes and it is an honor to serve as one of your TVEA Area Directors! I have been in education for over 30 years. I attended San Diego State University for my undergraduate degree in Child Development and National University for my elementary teaching credential and Master’s Degree. 


I have been in TVUSD since 2004 and have taught grades K, 1st and 2nd. I currently teach 2nd Grade at Red Hawk Elementary where I have loved teaching since 2013. Prior to my career in TVUSD I taught preschool for San Diego Unified for nine years.  


In my free time I am all about my family. I have three children and two grandchildren who I love spending time with. We travel often and love road trips, the mountains and the beach. Our family is also very involved with my son Luke’s middle school sports of basketball, football and baseball.


As a TVEA member I have served on the bargaining committee, as a site rep at Red Hawk Elementary and am currently serving on the teacher evaluation subcommittee.  I have grown and learned so much about TVEA in the past few years and  I look forward to providing support to members in any way possible. Our elementary voices need to be heard and I am here to help!

Elementary Area Rep
Jennifer Catalano
Elementary Area Rep Squads
Elections Committee 


Hi my name is Jennifer Catalano, and it's my pleasure to serve as one of your Elementary Area Reps. I’ve served as site rep at Alamos for the past 7 years. I received my BS degree and credential from Cal State Fullerton. I have been an educator for the past 28 years, and this is my 10th year with TVUSD. I have taught multiple grade levels in elementary school and I have even taught 6th grade at the middle school for a few years. I previously taught in Colorado before coming to Temecula. I first started in Temecula as a literacy specialist for both Vintage Hills and Paloma. I moved to Alamos and have been there ever since. Currently, I teach first grade.


In my free time, I love to read, shop, DIY, and work out. I am married and have 2 adult daughters. My youngest is a senior at Boise State and my other daughter is a hairdresser in Temecula.


 I am excited to help elementary voices be heard! We work so hard to make students successful in the classroom and go above and beyond every day. I look forward to supporting elementary educators.

Middle School Area Rep
Susi Stock



Middle Area Rep Squads
Bylaws/Governance Committee Liaison

Hi, my name is Suzi Stock, and I am honored to represent our amazing middle school colleagues as your middle school area representative.  I received my teaching credential in Biology Education way back in 1997 from the University of Central Oklahoma in my hometown of Edmond, OK.  I have taught secondary science for 27 years, and this is my 21st year in TVUSD.  I started in TVUSD at Temecula Valley High School, moved over to Bella Vista Middle School when they opened in 2004, and have been at Vail Ranch Middle School for the past 10 years. I still love my career and know I’m exactly where I should be.  


My goal as your area representative is to make your diverse and unique voices be heard at the executive board meetings, and to protect both our teachers and students interests throughout the district.  This is my first term on the executive board.  


My own children have had wonderful experiences throughout TVUSD.  I had the privilege of having them both in my 8th grade science class as students at VRMS.  My son just graduated from GOHS and will be attending Cal Poly SLO in the fall, while my daughter is enjoying her sophomore year at GOHS.  When not at school, I enjoy beach and ski trips with our family, playing tennis with my mom friends, watching my daughter’s dance team perform, and getting outdoors to enjoy nature.  


I look forward to meeting our middle school colleagues on school site visits and engaging in productive conversations on how I can best represent you and your needs.  

High School Area Rep
Jennifer (Jennee) Scharf

High School Area Rep Squads
Equity & Human Rights Committee Liaison
Vice President
Cynthia Lopez

Political Action Committee Liaison

Hi, my name is Cyndy Lopez, and it is an honor to serve as your new Vice President.  I have been an educator for 30 years, and this is my 7th year with TVUSD.  I attended San Diego State University for both undergrad and graduate school. Previously I taught elementary grades K-2.  I earned a Master’s Degree in 2000 and transitioned to the field of Speech-Language Pathology.  I stepped away from the public schools and for 17 years, I owned and managed a private practice and consulting business in my home community of Imperial County.  In 2016, my husband and I relocated to the community of Temecula and we love it.

Most recently, I served on the Exec Board as a Support Services Area Rep. I also served as a Site Rep at VRMS for 3 years.  I look forward to serving our TVEA membership as your Vice President!

Amber Kott


Adhoc Budget Committee Liaison

This is my 18th year teaching, and my 9th with TVUSD. It is my pleasure  to serve as TVEA's Treasurer. I’ve taught both general education and special education throughout my career.

Currently, I teach 4th grade at Red Hawk Elementary School after teaching at Abby Reinke Elementary and Gardner Middle School.  


I have been a TVEA site representative for 7 years and have been a part of the Grievance Committee for the last 3 years. I am excited to be a part of the Executive Board and look forward to learning more about the important role of treasurer within our local organization. 


In this role, I am looking forward to encouraging leadership within our members as well as building capacity through strong site leadership. I appreciate being given the opportunity to serve in this position.

Membership Coordinator
Claudia Candray

Member Engagement Committee Liaison

Hi my name is Claudia Candray, and it's an honor to serve as your Membership Coordinator.  I have been an educator for 30 years, and this is my 27th year with TVUSD.  I previously taught in San Bernardino City Unified School District at a Title 1 school as a bilingual teacher.  I attended UC Riverside for undergrad and for my teaching credential.  I earned a Master's Degree in 2007 from Cal State San Marcos.  


My husband was in the Navy and was stationed at Balboa Hospital in San Diego so Temecula was our midpoint.  We fell in love with the area that we decided to make it our home where we would eventually raise our two children.  


I started at Joan F. Sparkman Elementary as a third grade teacher.  Then, class size reduction came into effect and the newly established Dual Immersion Charter School (L.A.M.P.) which was housed within Sparkman Elementary was in desperate need of a second bilingual teacher.  TVUSD did not have a bilingual program.  So, when the opportunity presented itself I was more than willing and happy to be part of the program.  Three years later, I had to move to a new site, Vail Elementary, which became my home for the next 17 years.  I started the Transitional Kindergarten program there and when enrollment decreased in the central areas, I followed the TK program to the south end at Temecula Luiseno where I have been since 2017.   


I have always been a member of our union but never took an active role until losing my husband to cancer and my kids heading out to college.  I had to decide if grief and loneliness would consume my life or would I use my free time for the greater good?  I am glad I got the courage to get out of my comfort zone and try to help out.  I started as a member of the New Member Engagement Committee, then as a site leader and now your Membership Coordinator.  I look forward to a year full of fun activities within our organization and community.

Support Services Area Rep
Tina Mey
District Office

Position Specialist Groups
SLP, Psychologists, Counselors, Social Workers, Nurses, LCAP
LCAP Consult Liaison

Hello!  My name is Tina Mey and I am the TVEA Support Services Area Representative. I am new to this position this year, but previously served on the leadership council. I am honored to advocate for counselors, SLPs, social workers, nurses, school psychologists and other "behind the scenes" educational professionals who serve a vital role in the success of students and schools. 

I have been in education for 29 years, with the last 9 years being in TVUSD.  After completing college at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, and earning my teaching credential from Ottawa University in Phoenix, I started teaching high school English in Peoria, Arizona.  I then earned a MA Ed in Educational Leadership from NAU and then continued my graduate studies in School Counseling at Ottawa University.  After 10 years in the classroom, I transitioned into school counseling. I have been a school counselor at Centennial High School in Arizona, an LCAP counselor at Temecula Valley High School, and most recently a school counselor at Chaparral High School. 


This year, I accepted the position of Counselor on Special Assignment (COSA) where I support all TVUSD counselors and mentor counselors who are new to our district.


Outside of school, you will find me on some kind of adventure with my husband, Rick. We love to watch our son play college football at Harvey Mudd College (Go CMS Stags!). We make several trips home to Arizona each year to see our youngest daughter and our extended family.  Our oldest daughter lives close by so we find lots of fun things to do with her family, and spend as much time as possible spoiling our 2 granddaughters.  I also do a little traveling, reading, gardening and yoga whenever I can.

Special Education Area Rep


Position Specialist Groups
RSP, Special Education
Special Education Committee Liaison

My name is Kerri Bodemer and I am honored to serve as your Special Education  Area Representative for TVEA. I attended the University of San Diego for both my undergrad and graduate degrees. I have been in Special Education for 37 years. I am currently an SDC teacher at Temecula Elementary School. I have been teaching in the District for 23 years;16 at TES. I spent about 13 years in the San Diego. 


I have served TVEA as a Site Rep, Chair and Co-Chair of the Member Engagement Committee.and now on Executive Board as the SPED Area Rep.


I am excited to work on your behalf to make sure you have the support and resources you need to meet the needs of the students you serve. Please reach out anytime!

High School Area Rep
Derek Heid

High School Area Rep Squads
Grievance Committee Liaison

"Howdy, all! Happy to be serving my friends and colleagues as a High School Area Rep for TVEA. I'm entering into my fifteenth year of teaching, all of which I've had the opportunity to fulfill in my home district of the TVUSD. I first moved to Temecula with my family in 1991 and attended Nicolas Valley Elementary, Margarita and James L. Day Middle Schools, and Chaparral High School. I was hired at Temecula Valley High School for the 2009-2010 school year, and that's where I've stayed. I've served as a Site Rep for TVHS for the past five years, and am serving now for the first time on TVEA's Executive Board.


When I'm not in the classroom or working to better serve our membership, you'll find me with my little gremlins: one at Temecula Middle, and the other at Paloma Elementary. Additionally, my wife is presently an Educational Assistant at Temecula Valley High, and my mother has worked for the District in various capacities for nearly twenty-five years -- so when I tell people that the Heids are a TVUSD family, I mean it!"

Hi, My name is Jennee Scharf and I am honored to serve as one of Temecula Valley Educators Association‘s two high school area representatives. It is my 24th year of teaching and of being a proud union member. I graduated from San Francisco State University in 1995 with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Teaching English and earned my teaching credential through LAUSD’s Internship Program. I later went on to earn my Masters in Teaching Adolescent Literature from National University and eventually became one of TVUSD’s first National Board Certified Teachers. 


I began my teaching career in July of 2000 at John Marshall High School in Silverlake in Los Angeles, CA. I taught 9th grade Language Arts and helped begin a Small Learning Community called Humanitas that focused on a humanities driven approach to learning. I have been at Great  Oak High School since 2007 and was lucky enough to teach its first graduating class as seniors. Over the last 17 years as part of the Wolfpack I have taught 9th grade English, 10th grade English,12th grade English,  AP Lang and Comp, and the Expository Reading and Writing Course for seniors. I also served as a grade level strand leader, on the First Day Committee, the Academic Integrity Council, and for the past five years, I have been the English Department Chair and a part of Great Oak’s Vision team. Teaching has always been a passion and continues to be so today. 


I have served as a site rep for the past two years and have been on TVEA’s Political Action Committee for the past few years as well. As your high school area representative my goal is make sure that the needs of our teachers are being met so that they can focus on providing a vibrant and engaging learning experience for TVUSD’s diverse student population. I look forward to serving TVEA’s incredible body of educators as they serve the Temecula Valley.

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