We believe that Temecula teachers are the finest in the country and are very happy that you have chosen to work with us. The Temecula Valley Educators Association (TVEA) is here to help you at the local level in many ways. California Teachers Association (CTA) and National Educators Association (NEA) are your professional organizations at the state and national levels respectively.
TVEA is the union that represents Certificated Employees in the Temecula Valley Unified School District. It exists primarily to protect and advance the professional and economic interests of its members. With approximately 1,350 members, TVEA is your advocate for providing a free, quality public education to all children. TVEA as a local association of CTA ensures members a number of benefits:
Member Rights: as your bargaining representative, TVEA is your advocate when negotiating contracts and providing resources to defend your rights.
Member Benefits Program: low rates and substantial discounts on home loans, personal, life and car insurance, merchandise, travel, legal & credit union services and discounted Gold's gym memberships are some of the valuable benefits included in your membership.
Legal Protection: members receive a Professional liability policy with coverage up to $1 million in professional liability insurance and access to more than 40 different law firms offering free consultations and discounted fees on various personal legal services.
National Education Association
As a union made up of thousands of locals, 50 state affiliates and nearly 3 million members, the National Education Association makes you a part of the powerful voice of our nation's educators. With headquarters four blocks from the White House, NEA promotes your advocacy agenda before the president, the Congress and the courts. Their dedicated staff of attorneys, organizers, benefits specialists, communicators, and education policy experts are all focused on ensuring that your collective voice is heard, and that your profession, your students and, obviously, you and your colleagues are protected and enhanced so that you can focus on what you do: providing an outstanding public education to every student.

California Teachers Association
A family of nearly 1,000 local associations and affiliates, CTA is the largest and most effective advocacy organization in the state. Since 1863, CTA has been at the forefront of every major positive change to public schools and colleges. In fact, it was CTA that secured funding to make public schools free for all students in 1866, and it was CTA that led the charge to establish community colleges in 1911. More than 150 years since the founding, CTA members are still pioneering innovative ideas for student learning and transforming the profession.