Become a Member of TVEA, CTA & NEA Today!
Join California teachers, counselors, school librarians, social workers, psychologists, nurses and education support professionals in advocating for students and each other. Together WE are the collective voice of 310,000 teaching and support professionals statewide, and 3.2 million in the U.S. on issues that impact your students’ success, working conditions, professional development, competitive wages, and quality benefits. Membership keeps us connected. Our association routinely provides you with what’s happening locally, statewide, and nationally. It also gives you an opportunity to network with other educators.
TOGETHER WE are Powerful Advocates
There is strength in numbers, locally 1325 members strong making up 96% of Certificated Employees in the Temecula Valley Unified School Districts. Through collective action we advocate for you at the bargaining table, in the community, and in our schools. We advocate so all students — regardless of family circumstances, where they live, where they were born, how they look, who they love, or the language they speak — have the right to a public education that helps them reach their full potential. Members are the best advocates, and to that end we enable members like you to speak with unity and authority on the issues that matter.
MEMBERSHIP HAS its benefits There are many benefits that you receive from joining our Association.
Duty of Full and Fair Representation, Bargain Contract/Working Rights, Promote Student Success and Wellness,
Strong two-way communication, Professional Development. You can learn more about the benefits of membership here.
WE ARE ALL all in it together united in our commitment to strengthen public education for all students, united by one voice. JOIN TODAY because we can accomplish more together. Because through collective action we can bring about change for our students, ourselves, and each other.

Over 150 years CTA has won battles for:
Universal public education for all children regardless of gender, race or ethnicity
Class size reduction
Protections against gender discrimination
Legislation to create the community college system
Guaranteed state funding for all K-14 public schools
1866- CTA sponsors legislation for all children in the state to be educated
1895 and 1995 CTA sponsors legislation to lower class sizes- both in the one-room schoolhouse era in 1885, and in
1995 with class size reduction grants
1927- CTA supported and CA State Supreme Court ruled a woman cannot be fired from her assignment when she is married
1911- CTA leads state funding fight for establish of the community college system
1946- Prop. 3 Guaranteed funding amount for each student in the state, 1983- SB 813 equalized funding in the state, adding categorical programs, lengthened the school year, and increased teacher pay.
And protections for students:
All students regardless of their zip code.
1915- CTA leads the fight against child labor in helping pass legislation making the practice illegal
1947- CTA is among only a few organizations that protested the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII
1967- CTA leads the effort that will bring bilingual education to California schools1994- Prop. 187 CTA helped successfully defeated this proposition that would have denied access to public services such as medical care and education to undocumented workers and their families
2011- CTA supports & Governor Brown signs the California Dream Act to assist students of immigrants brought to the U.S. before age 16, allowing them access to apply for State Cal-Grants and private scholarships
And protections for Educators:
Educators whose voice would otherwise be silenced
1890- CTA wins State Supreme Court ruling on “Fair dismissal” thus ending the unilateral power of capricious local politicians and school boards.
1913- CTA leads in the establishment of the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) 22 years BEFORE the creation of the Social Security system
And protections for Schools:
Schools whose funding would otherwise be reduced
1988-Proposition 98 created guaranteed percentage of funding expenditures on K-14 schools statewide
2012- Proposition 30 went against the national trend to increase taxes to fund schools that had been devastated by the recession and has added billions in new school revenues