TVUSD School Board TVEA Spotlight
I would like to second the motion on congratulating the District Teachers of the Year. We are proud of our TVEA members Anne O’Donnell-Cann, Estee Davisson, and Aimee Ricken.
Sunday Night I was invited and attended the Crystal Apple Awards. It is Always a great event every year. The night reminds us of the difference so many of our high school teachers are making Congrats to Crystal Apple Winners:
Eric Burlingham- TVHS
Melisa Casady- GOHS
Jackie Schmidt- CHS
Speaking of Awards on May 18, TVEA will be presenting twelve scholarships to graduating seniors at the Temecula Scholarship Foundation Dollars for Scholars Night held at Temecula Valley High School. I have had the opportunity to serve as an announcer for the event for several years and look forward to presenting the awards on behalf of TVEA!
TVEA just completed our spring Executive Board elections. Re-elected to their positions are 2nd Vice-President Rob Clause of Chaparral High and Elementary Area Representative Tammy Iverson of La Vorgna Elementary. Newly elected to their position is High School Area Representative Raul Miranda both of Great Oak High School.
This week TVEA Members are completing the annual Principals Survey. Last year we added an Assistant Principals layer as well. This survey is a useful tool to provide feedback to the site administrators as well as the district administration. The TVEA Executive Board reviews the surveys and will honor the top scoring principals in a Principal Recognition Ceremony at the start of the 15-16 year.
Our Bargaining Team has been very busy negotiating with the TVUSD Team with the two groups meeting four times in April. I have had the chance to observe many of the sessions and I am encouraged by the tone and progress. We are committed to bringing a viable tentative agreement to our members before the end of the school year for July 1 implementation with the current contract expiring at the end of June.
Finally, in a follow-up from my Public Comments on April 21, I am pleased to announce that TVEA has scheduled two after school facilitated discussions with staff at Margarita Middle School. A neutral third party trained in mediation techniques will meet with interested staff members after school on May 18 and May 21. I am coordinating with Assistant Principals Pam Blasich and Cindy Sparks and they are supportive of this concept. As I stated at the last meeting, TVEA is willing to assist in facilitating a positive future at Margarita Middle School.
Thank you very much